Birdland Crier 1yr old!!

Birdland Crier

Staff member
🎆 Happy Birthday! 🎆

Birdland Crier started posting daily tapes February, 2024!
We are celebrating this achievement with the announcement of advertising!
Advertising will be free of charge for the month of February! All we are asking is you give our readers a small discount. Advertising will consist of your logo on the Birdland Crier cover photo and you will go into rotation with the others who are advertising and get a link to your website/Facebook page on individual posts (Like was being done with the donation links)
At the end of February advertising pricing will be very attainable for almost anyone. We are going with a low cost/long term model, will see how this goes!
We are also looking for restaurant “sponsors” for Friday or Saturday evenings/nights a “Tonight’s posts brought to you by” kind of thing. There are three of us, so three specials gets your logo on the Birdland Crier cover photo for a week, and a link in every post the night you sponsor!
We get 2 million local views a month, and we are about to step everything up several notches, you may have noticed 3-4 days with no daily tapes posted and very few posts of any kind, well we were revamping the radio/recording system! We now have the ability to simultaneously record any 10 channels in the memory banks! (This is huge!)
We also have another HUGE project in the works in conjunction with that will elevate Birdland Crier above any other breaking news source in Mohave County!
We are proud to have you on board for this!