City of Kingman Updates Urban Camping Ordinance Following Supreme Court Ruling


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** City of Kingman Updates Urban Camping Ordinance Following Supreme Court Ruling **

Kingman, AZ – Changes to the City of Kingman’s ordinance regarding urban camping will go into effect Thursday, February 6th, following approval by the Kingman City Council this month. These revisions, established under Ordinance1957, address the recent Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson that clarified the enforceability of municipal camping ordinances. The City first enacted a camping ordinance in March of 1999 where it spelled out that camping on municipal or commercial property was prohibited unless in legally established areas.

The revised ordinance continues to prohibit unauthorized camping on public property, including parks, sidewalks, streets, and other municipal spaces, unless expressly permitted. Exceptions are limited to government-approved emergency relief efforts and activities authorized by the City Parks Department. Camping on commercial property is also prohibited unless individuals or families are staying at licensed facilities, such as campgrounds, mobile home parks, or approved truck stops.

Camping on residential private property is allowed under specific conditions. Property owners or legal tenants must provide consent for camping and are responsible for notifying law enforcement if trespassing occurs. Residential camping is limited to 14 days per stay, with no more than five stays allowed per year, and a minimum 30-day gap between each two-week period. Camping must take place on an improved lot and be screened from public view by a sight-restricted fence to maintain privacy and neighborhood standards. Additionally, property owners cannot charge fees for allowing camping on their land, ensuring that such arrangements are non-commercial. All camping must comply with established sanitation and safety requirements.

Enforcement remains consistent with the original ordinance, but the process is now clearly defined. Police officers will issue a warning and provide individuals the opportunity to relocate if they are found camping in prohibited areas. If the individual refuses to comply, citations or arrests may follow. Violations are classified as Class 1 misdemeanors.

Additional updates to the ordinance address blocking or impeding streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. Under the revisions, no one can block or imped the continuous pedestrian use of the sidewalk. Lastly the updates provided for the storage of abandoned items for 14 days before disposal. “These updates ensure our ordinance aligns with legal standards while balancing community needs and public safety,” said City Attorney, Carl Cooper.